Sunday, February 12, 2012

a short update

So glad to be out of Bangladesh.
The forum was amazing....I could go on forever with stories and photos and thoughts and was amazing. And I will write about it when I get the time, internet connection and photos loaded. 
Bangladesh, not so much. Out of the 50 or so participants, at least half got sick. Some sort of food poisoning/bug/nastiness. The only common denominator was the hotel. No one knows for certain, and those who thought they had missed it, didn't. And like those attending the forum, this bug likes to "keep coming back". I am not a medical person, so I have no idea what to call it, other than NASTY!
I left Bangladesh, and its nice little weight loss program, 3 days early, and am in Bangkok. Staying at the Marriott, loving the cleanliness, and the modern toilets. Had a fabulous Thai massage today, 1 hour, 120 baht, gave her 200...she was worth so much more! (That amounts to about 6 dollars. Maybe 7.) Those are the photos to post. The massage school is in a wat (temple) next to the river. The mats are laid out on marble, about 20 of them, and the ceilings are painted murals. It is open air, and absolutely wonderful. I just may have to go back for the 2 hour version.....
Off to explore. I am traveling with my new friend Elizabeth and we are, as she says, giddy as school girls to be out of Dhaka!!!!

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